Deploy Jekyll Site With Dokku
Jekyll is a static site generator written in Ruby. It enables you to create and maintain websites, particularly blogs, without the need for a backend or database. Jekyll takes your content, written in Markdown, Textile, HTML, or Liquid, and renders it into a static website ready to be served by a web server.
What you’ll need:
- A server (I use Hetzner)
- Installation and configuration of Dokku on the server
- Connecting a domain name to the server
Connect to your Remote Server
ssh remote_username@remote_host
For example:
ssh root@
Create a Dokku Application
dokku apps:create coolblog
Navigate to the repository on your local computer
cd coolblog
Initialize a Git repository
git init
Create the .buildpacks file (if you are using VS Code)
code .buildpacks
Add these two lines to the file
Add your Jekyll files to the repository and commit your changes
git add . && git commit -m "initial commit"
Add your Dokku server as a remote repository
git remote add dokku dokku@ip:name-of-your-repository
For example:
git remote add dokku dokku@
Push your cool blog to Dokku
git push dokku main
If you need to use environment variables, use this command
dokku config:set coolblog JEKYLL_ENV=production
Set the domain name
dokku domains:set coolblog
Visit and enjoy your awesome blog!